Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let it Snow!

Every Friday and Saturday night, it snows in downtown Vicksburg. Some of my loyal blog readers asked for photographic evidence. Note the variation in protective clothing, from short sleeve to warm hats, people seem to be enjoying the weather! Thanks to the Ware House for making this precipitation possible, it feels a little more like Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Turducken III

Before going in...Out of the oven and across the street. From left to right: turducken, turkey, duck, and chicken (not shown). Chefs and designers shown from left to right: Robert, Sandy, Todd and Jeff.
Lots of help to get things ready for serving. All the work that went into the deconstruction and subsequent reconstruction, no room for error. Thumbs up across the board--one of the best ever!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Turducken Rears Its Ugly Heads

Time has come again for the annual Turducken here in Vicksburg. Before we unveil Turducken III, let's look back to times gone by...
2006: Turducken I: On a whim, Jeff and I decided we could pull this off. We used wild mallards, extreme stuffings, and it was a triumph beyond our wildest expectations, especially for those who said it couldn't be done (by 2 immature butchers).

2007: Turducken II: New and improved adapted with a domestic duck, 2 new stuffings, and met with rave reviews. Especially by those who ate shot last year. Hip, Hip, Hooray!! We had a small turkey which presented some logisitical issues. Once the glow had worn off, we vowed to go big in 2008.

And today is the day...we have a new venue, co-hosts, and are expecting RECORD numbers. Here's hoping we knock it out of the park.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Deck the Balls Christmas Parade Party

With the lights all strung and the sound check done, doors around 4:00 pm. The theme was DECK THE BALLS, and despite the obvious references/responses, everyone was creative and brought food and beverages in the spirit of this theme. Some notable mentions included spinach balls, triple threat cheese balls, many many meatballs, peanut butter balls, sweet potato balls, death by chocolate balls, and "Holy Bocci Balls, Batman!"What a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season! Thanks to all those in attendance. More ambitious bloggers have a posting up with more pictures. Even one of my "mic-ed up" for commentary. If only I had more to say...