Friday, August 31, 2012

Hurricane Hunger Games

This summer, I read the Hunger Games series of books by Suzanne Collins. I enjoyed them, especially with the Olympics happening at the same time. I recently saw the movie with Lauchlin and Olivia, and really enjoyed it. Then Isaac (the storm) came to town and threw some challenges my way. 

Day 1: power goes out at 330am. I managed to sleep until around 5 am, until it was too hot to bother. I decided coffee was a must. How to manage? Well, my summers spent in FL taught me that the propane cooker is for more than just boiling crawfish and frying fish. So I got my headlamp, the French press, Ned's brewpot and tap water. WIN!
 My preferred resting spot was the Keeping Room off the kitchen, so I could watch the storm out the windows. The dog and cats were forced into the same area for attention. Like the tributes coming to the Cornucopia!
 Despite downed power lines and trees all over Drummond St, I managed to escape for a game of Deal! and a Dr Pepper with Lauchlin, Olivia, and Grady. Julie had sent me these awesome napkins and I wanted to share them. It's funny because it's true.
 Day 2 with no power  and I am kind of over it. It is getting hot, my alarm didn't go off, and the cats are all planning their escape. I turned them out to pasture to fend for themselves while I showered in the dark. Do they make waterproof headlamps?!? Off to work with me, and no complaining about the AC being too cold.

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